UK Christians welcome TEC resolutions

Ekklesia reports:

A leading UK network of Anglicans working for the full inclusion of lesbian and gay people in the life and ministry of the church has welcomed the US Episcopal Church’s affirming stance.

Inclusive Church Inclusive Church says it “welcomes the clarity of the new resolutions passed at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church of the USA (TEC). They accurately and honestly describe the current situation, affirming that homosexual orientation should not be a bar to ordination as priest or bishop and recognising that same sex blessings are being performed in some parishes and dioceses.”

From the statement:

Inclusive Church believes that excluding LGBT people from the sacramental life of the church is a sin similar to the historical discrimination against people of colour and women. We value Anglican diversity, and acknowledge that there is a breadth of views on questions of human sexuality. We salute the considerable efforts made to recognise and contain that breadth with TEC, and regret the attempts by others who have withdrawn to undermine the territorial integrity of local Anglican churches, breaching the third moratorium arising from the Windsor Report.

The complete statement is here.

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