UN to look at MDG progress Thursday

On Thursday, the United Nations will convene for a special session to discuss the Millennium Development Goals. The Archbishop of Canterbury has invited all interested parties to attend an Interfaith Service of Recommitment and Witness of the Achievement of the MDGs at the Cathedral of St. John’s the Divine in New York City. While it is not clear whether Archbishop Williams will himself be present as some outlets have reported, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will officiate at the service and Archbishop of York John Sentamu will preach. (The event is not on Williams’ posted calendar.)

The service is one of the activities for the day sponsored by the Anglican Communion Office at the United Nations and will be preceded by a rally and teach-in on the Cathedral steps, according to a release from the Anglican Communion News Service. These activities, as well as a noontime walk and “prayerful witness” at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, are in support of the prayer, fasting and witness called for on this day in the 2008 Lambeth Conference Reflections Document.

More information on the service is here and here. The Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation has more on the day’s events here.

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