Undoing a demon

Christopher at Thanksgiving in All Things has this sensible bit of advice:

Bishop Robinson should jolly well go to merry England. But let him be joined by Archbishop emeritus Tutu and others not at Lambeth, but in the gay districts and the economically depressed districts of major English cities.

Let’s finally get on with God’s Mission, shall we?

Where are the gay districts throughout England? They need to hear the Word of God’s love for them in Christ. Celebrate Morning Prayer. Share the Supper in which God feeds us his very self. Do bible studies. And then ask ourselves a question, having gathered and been fed on Christ:

Where are the poor and economically struggling? They need some bread for food and a bit of wine for merriment. They need a Word of God’s hope in Christ. Celebrate Morning Prayer. Share the Supper in which God feeds us his very self. Do bible studies.

In reading again the account of Sodom and Gomorrah, of Lot’s wife, I pause to remember the wisdom that sometimes the only way to undo a demon is to turn away from it, to starve it of attention, to let it wear itself out, rather than press to fight it in some way, any way. Rather instead proclaim Jesus Christ and do the work he is calling us to do. That is the new social reality.

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