Des Moines Episcopal Church transforming a parking lot into a green space.
St. Paul’s church parking lot to be native green space
From the
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, a landmark place of worship at the corner of Ninth and High streets for 125 years, began a renovation in October that will transform a parking area into a green space reminiscent of its original look.
The cathedral church, recently added to the National Register of Historic Places, began by tearing out asphalt to include gardens, a storm water system, some permeable paving and a public labyrinth.
The church had been involved in 2008 flood relief efforts, and when faced with the long-overdue restoration of their parking lot, leaders looked for options other than concrete. They devised a plan with the aid of a $100,000 IJOBS grant and other financing from the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, the Polk County Soil and Water Conservation District and Trees Forever.
By the next summer, the church ground will resemble its original natural state.
We previously featured this initiative on our video blog.