
“You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” – John 8:32

“The truth,” he said, “will make you free.”

“What is truth?” someone would ask.

And another time

he would say.

“I am the truth.”

If that is the case,

then is everyone else . . .


So then . . .

Truth walked by the Sea of Galilee

and called to untruth,

“Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.”

Truth, walking along, saw untruth

sitting at the tax booth

and called, “Follow me.”

Truth withdrew to a deserted place.

But untruth heard it and followed;

truth taught untruth;

truth healed untruth;

truth fed untruth;

truth blessed untruth; and

truth sent untruth away.

Truth tired out by the journey,

sitting by Jacob’s well

asked untruth for water,

and received none,

but gave.

Truth said to untruth, “Take nothing for your journey,

no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money —

not even an extra tunic.”

Truth walked in the temple

and untruth asked,

“By what authority are you doing these things?”

and truth declined to answer.

Truth said to untruth,

“What are you discussing while you walk along?”

and untruth was unable to answer.

What is truth?

Truth is as truth does,

as truth offers to untruth.

Truth is neither to stop nor to sit;

truth is to walk.

Truth is neither to surrender nor to listen;

truth is to call.

Truth is not to be ignorant or stubborn;

truth is to teach.

Truth is not to be ill or distressed;

truth is to heal.

Truth is neither food nor hunger;

truth is to feed.

Truth is neither water nor thirst;

truth is to quench.

Truth is neither baggage nor destination;

truth is to journey.

Truth is not to answer;

truth is to question.

And to question will make untruth free.

The Rev. Dr. C. Eric Funston is rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Medina, Ohio, an EfM mentor, and a writer of Daily Office meditations offered on his blog, That Which We Have Heard & Known.

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