Amidst fears of renewed violence in Kenya this weekend, the Anglican Church there has appealed that all parties seek to avoid any action that would inflame the situation.
According the Church Times report this morning, the 33 Anglican bishops of Kenya have called for amending the country’s constitution to help avoid these situations in the future.
“The Church has appealed to would-be demonstrators to avoid violence, and to the police to avoid the use of live bullets, to prevent the loss of more lives. More than 500 are said to have been killed in the unrest, triggered on 30 December.
…The Archbishop of Kenya, the Most Revd Benjamin Nzimbi, told a press conference in Nairobi: ‘We are not against the idea of mass action, but our fear is that some people may use the event to engage in violence and to loot property. Law enforcers should provide security without excessive force.’”
Read the rest here.