Updates on San Joaquin

Updated 9:15 p.m.

Some notes from around the internet/blogosphere on the special convention for San Joaquin, starting with some words from Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori:

… Remember that you are not alone. This part of the Body of Christ is only one limb. The rest of the Episcopal Church is with you, and will continue to be with you. A few people have joined you here today as incarnate evidence of the love of Christ, known in community. We stand with you in the firm and constant hope that this body will grow and flourish and bless the central valley of California in ways you have not yet dreamed of. And we will celebrate with you as that becomes reality.

Episcopal Life online has her full address here and also has coverage of last night’s events.

Aghaveagh recaps the Q&A and promises more today.

Father Jake has posted some of the comments he’s received from participants.

Thinking Anglicans has links to some of the other reactions in the blogosphere.

We may update this post as more comes in this evening/tomorrow, so check back.

First update: 6:30 p.m., also from Episcopal Life (story here):

The members of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin … chose their provisional bishop and other officers, and passed organizing resolutions during a convention filled with cheers and applause, and rooted in the message of resurrection.

“I am awed by the opportunity” that the Diocese of San Joaquin has to transform itself, said Nancy Key, a member of the steering committee that worked towards the convening of the special convention, during a lunch break. The diocese has “a lot of momentum” that can now be channeled into concrete action, she added.

Second Update, 9:15 p.m.

Lamb installed as provisional bishop, according to Episcopal Life Online:

“What you have been about and what I have been about these last months, weeks, days, even hours is not really about building a new diocesan structure,” Lamb said during his sermon. “As I understand it, what we are about is the proclamation of the Good News that Jesus is the Christ and that we do this from within the base of our Episcopal and Anglican tradition because that’s who we are: members of the Episcopal Church and members of the Anglican church.”

Most of the more than 400 people who attended the convention remained for the Eucharist. Individuals from the Episcopal dioceses of Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, El Camino Real, Hawaii, Los Angeles, Nevada, Northern California, Rio Grande, San Diego and Olympia also attended.

Half of the offertory was assigned to Lamb’s discretionary fund and the other half, Lamb told the congregation to loud and sustained applause, would be given to the Diocese of Louisiana, which continues to rebuild after hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori led Lamb and the congregation through his formal seating as provisional bishop. That part of the service included recognition that Lamb had been duly chosen and accepted by the members of the diocese.

Read it all here.

Father Jake again highlights his commenters who attended, here.

Audio of the press conference here.

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