Virginia clergy meet with the Presiding Bishop

The blog “BabyBlueOnline” has a long report on the meeting that place on May 25th between the clergy of the Diocese of Virginia and Bishop Schori. The Presiding Bishop was in town for the consecration of the new bishop coadjutor of Virginia that happened on Sat May 26th.

It’s a wide ranging conversation between the Presiding Bishop and the clergy. After her opening remarks there follows a question period where a number of sharp questions were directed toward her.

“Opening remarks by the PB:

‘One of the great gifts of serving in this position is that I get to travel around the church and see what’s going on. I get to meet people and hear stories about how the church lives its life in different places and contexts. And there’s enormous good news in that. Every diocese I have gone to visit has stories of health and vitality to tell. I discovered … last week that some people were annoyed by my talking about that. But I talk about that certainly because it’s true but also because it, I think it’s essential to counteract what the headlines have to say about the Episcopal Church, which is a tiny fraction of what is going on … the stories of health and vitality come from congregations and people and communities who are paying attention to the needs of their neighbors and are engaged in that mission to serve the world. I think that’s great and glorious good news and there simply needs to be more of it, and teach the other parts of the church or challenge other parts of the church to be about that work as well.’”

Read the rest here: BabyBlueOnline

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