Voices of women

Daily Reading for January 27 • Lydia, Dorcas, and Phoebe, Witnesses to the Faith

I want to hear the voices of women

Reverberate around the world

Not the cries of the mourner and the victim only

Those too, of course

But also the articulate agendas of women’s passions

For a well, whole and flourishing world.

I want to see women themselves choosing to lead

Churches, groups, villages, towns, governments

Shaping strategies coming from the bedrock of our faith

That construct the way forward as we solve the critical issues

Women care about: poverty, health, education, violence and peace.

I want us, women of the Episcopal Church

To join with women and men throughout our global family

Speak with our moral authority; call our family to this holy task

Then listen as we hear our sisters’ and brothers’ voices

Coming back to us as they complete the circle around the world—

Enriched by the dignity and imagination of others—

Returning to shower us with the love of God.

“I Want to Hear the Voices of Women” by Phoebe Griswold. Quoted in Lifting Women’s Voices: Prayers to Change the World edited by Margaret Rose, Jenny Te Paa, Jeanne Person, and Abagail Nelson. Copyright © 2009. Used by permission of Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. www.morehousepublishing.com

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