Walk of abundance

An idea to help re-stock your church’s food pantry from Episcopal News Service:

During the recent Spring Picnic at St. James’ Episcopal Church in Jackson, Mississippi, parishioners created a unique labyrinth out of canned goods to benefit Stewpot’s Food Pantry.

Parishioners donated more than 1,700 cans of food and then used them to create a seven-circuit labyrinth. Cans of beans, mandarin oranges, carrots, tuna, peanut butter and tomatoes lined the one path to the center of the labyrinth and out again.

ens_061713_stewpotLabyrinthBlessing-500x375.jpgBoth adults and children walked the winding food-lined path of abundance to the center. A small table with an empty white bowl at the labyrinth’s center served as a reminder that there are many empty bowls and stomachs in the community and state. When returning from the center, adults and children walked the same path, but this time the many cans challenged the walkers to take action and to do something for those who are hungry.

*ENS photo by Shannon Manning

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