Watch ‘Episcopal Life Focus’ tonight

Episcopal Life Online is premiering a new monthly half-hour videocast tonight at 8 p.m. You can tune in at Episcopal Life Online to hear about church mission, ministries and news. The first episode features a piece on the New Orleans and the Gulf area, including the upcoming House of Bishops meeting. The show is also available in captioned format.

From an email release:

Episcopal Life Focus will remain available online for on-demand viewing, and for placement on local community access cable stations that make air time available free of charge. Mike Collins, director of video and multicast communication for the Episcopal Church, is the producer of Episcopal Life Focus. The Rev. Jan Nunley, executive editor of Episcopal Life Media, will anchor the show and serve as its executive editor.

Inquiries about programming, and requests regarding community access

cable placement, should be directed to Collins at , or 800-334-7626, ext. 6018.

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