We are all for marriage…right?

Bishop Kirk Smith of Arizona writes about a ballot proposition in his state designed to protect marriage from…what?

This week I would like to say something about Prop 102, which is bound to get me more e-mails because it is about that favorite media topic, sex.

This proposition, the so-called “Marriage Protection Amendment” left me scratching my head. Doesn’t Arizona law already define marriage as a union between a man and woman, and didn’t voters already reject a similar initiative in the last election? Why are we going through this again?

. . .

Prop 102 has nothing to do with upholding marriage and the family — after all, everyone supports that. Rather it is a much more insidious attempt to exclude gay and lesbian partnerships from full protection under the law. Those who feel that homosexual unions are somehow a “threat” to the American family (Dad, Mom, 2.2 kids) seem determined to make sure that people who are in such unions will know that they are not welcomed in this state, even if their union is recognized elsewhere, hence the constitutional change. I suspect that as more states allow gay/lesbian marriage, the greater will be the perceived threat.

I do wish the supporters of Prop 102 would be honest about their goal instead of bombarding us with misleading ads showing happy family outings and children romping on the playground, implying that such things are somehow endangered by two people of the same sex being in love and wanting to spend their life together.

No matter what you might think about the acceptability of gay/lesbian unions, the way this issue is being presented is really a matter of equal protection under the law, and more important for some of us Christians, whether we are going to “respect the dignity of every human being,” as we say in our baptismal vows.

Read it all here.

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