Welby on ACNA, Lambeth, and more

Archbishop Justin Welby is interviewed by Canon Ian Ellis of the Church of Ireland Gazette.

Some highlights:

He is clear that the ACNA is not a part of the Anglican communion.

The interviewer asks about the appointment if an ANCA priest to be a Canterbury preacher and asks if this is a symbol of reconciliation. Welby dodges a bit by saying that he was validly ordained in TEC, but the ecumenical partner but isn’t holding up the ACNA in some special status but recognizing them as Christians in another church with whom on some level we desire unity in the body of Christ.

As to the Lambeth Conference he say that upon his installation he would visit all the communion churches by the end of 2014 and after that the primates, collectively would decide whether or not to go forward with Lambeth.

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