ENS: Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has issued an order for Restoration of Ordained Ministry for retired Bishop of Albany Daniel W. Herzog.
“I am delighted at his return to ordained ministry in The Episcopal Church,” the Presiding Bishop commented.
Bishop Love announced Bishop Herzog’s return to The Episcopal Church today at the diocesan priests retreat at Christ the King Spiritual Life Center, Greenwich, NY where Bishop Herzog was invited to celebrate the closing Eucharist.
The Restoration document states: “Upon the retraction of his Renunciation of Ordained Ministry in this Church, which retraction was made to me in writing on April 1, 2010, and his execution of the Declaration of Conformity prescribed by Article VIII of the Constitution of The Episcopal Church, and with the advice and consent of the Council of Advice to the Presiding Bishop, I have rescinded the Declaration of Removal and Release from the Ordained Ministry of this church, executed by me on September 6, 2007.”
Herzog, the document continues, is “restored to the Ordained Ministry of the Church.”
Also signing the document were Episcopal Witnesses Bishop Suffragan James Curry of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut and Bishop Herbert Donovan, Deputy to the Presiding Bishop for Anglican Communion Relations.
Statement from Bishop William Love
In February 2007, the Rt. Rev. Daniel W. Herzog retired as the eighth Bishop of Albany and subsequently resigned his Holy Orders. His resignation was accepted by the Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, in September of that year. Bishop Herzog rescinded his renunciation earlier this spring, and the Presiding Bishop with the advice and consent of her Advisory Council, accepted and restored Bishop Herzog effective April 28, 2010.
Though he has never really been absent from our common life, I want to formally welcome Bishop Dan and Carol back to the full communion of the diocese and the wider church. During the past three years, they have continued to support the work of the diocese and to participate in a non-ordained capacity. His restored role will be of help in carrying out the work of the church, and I will be asking him to assist in this diocese under my direction as is true of any retired bishop.
All baptized Christians, both laity and clergy, have a share in the apostolic mission the Lord holds out for the Church and I am delighted that Bishop Dan and Carol can officially take their place among us again in the Diocese of Albany. I ask your prayers for all who labor for Christ and his kingdom across these nineteen counties.
Statement from Bishop Daniel W. Herzog
I want to extend my deep appreciation to Bishop Love and to Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori for their kindness and pastoral solicitude. Carol and I are grateful for the continuing opportunity to serve our Lord and His church in the Diocese of Albany. My only plan is to assist in any way Bishop Bill directs. We are honored to resume a fuller place among the clergy and laity of the diocese.
Bishop Herzog joined the Roman Catholic Church soon after his retirement as Bishop of Albany in 2007.