Welcoming two new news bloggers to the Cafe team

We are delighted to announce that beginning next week, the Rev. Megan Castellan and Weston Mathews will be joining the Café news team.

Megan is assistant rector and chaplain at St. Paul’s Church and School in Kansas City, Mo., and was previously a college chaplain in Arizona. She keeps the blog Red Shoes, Funny Shirt and is active on Twitter (@revlucymeg). A graduate of General Theological Seminary, she is a member of the Standing Commission on Constitution and Canons, blogs for Lent Madness and is active in the Acts 8 Moment. Megan will be the news blogger on Mondays.

Weston, is a candidate for Holy Orders from the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia., and a third-year student in the Masters of Divinity program at Virginia Theological Seminary and the seminarian at St. Mark’s Church on Capitol Hill in Washington, D. C. A former teacher, his interests include evangelism and the intersection of Christian ethics with the 21st century global market economy. He keeps an especially active Facebook page. Weston will be the news blogger on Sundays.

The Cafe’s news team comprises Weston, Megan, the Rev. Ann Fontaine of the Diocese of Oregon (Tuesdays), the Rev. Kurt Weisner of the Diocese of New Hampshire (Wednesdays), Jim Naughton of the Diocese of Ohio (Thursdays), the Rev. Andrew Gerns of the Diocese of Bethlehem (Fridays) and Theresa Johnson of the Diocese of Florida (Saturdays.)

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