When Did We See You?

Detail of Crucifix at Cluny, Paris


Matthew 25:31-46


Jesus, our Brother and Teacher,

let us remember that you are always in our midst

and welcome you into our hearts and our lives.


May we see Christ in each hungry person,

man, woman, or child,

and feed them as Jesus fed the multitudes.


May we love Christ

in each person who thirsts,

and give them something to drink,

as Jesus is the wellspring of life.


May we welcome Christ

in each person who is a stranger to us,

as Jesus welcomes the outcast and lost.


May we know Christ

in each naked person,

and clothe and honor them,

as Jesus clothes us in wisdom and compassion.


May we adore Christ

in each person who is ill,

and tenderly care for them,

as Jesus heals us through everlasting love.


May we be with Christ

in each person who is imprisoned,

and be with them,

as Jesus forgives and bears all our own brokenness.


Holy One, you call us to the path of life

modeled by your great love and tenderness:

grant us the grace to do your will.


Help us to tear down our barriers

and open our hearts to Love Incarnate

that seeks to live within us.


Stretch out your hand of blessing and peace

upon all who turn to You, O Savior,

especially those we now name.




The Rev. Leslie Scoopmire is a retired teacher and a priest in the Diocese of Missouri. She is priest-in-charge of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Ellisville, MO.  She posts daily prayers at her blog Abiding In Hope, and collects spiritual writings and images at Poems, Psalms, and Prayers.


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