Where is the fixation on poverty?

Statement 1, 28 August 2007:

Anglican churches will soon return to their mission to alleviate poverty, disease and injustice and abandon a “fixation” with homosexuality, says Anglican Bishop Trevor Mwamba….

Mwamba said, however, he thought there would be “forward movement, even a breakthrough, on this issue” when leaders of the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA) meet in Mauritius from October 2-5.

Statement 2, 2 October 2007:

As Bishops from the African Anglican churches meet in Mauritius over the next few days we [the Church Society] recognise that they have serious and pressing issues to address such as evangelism, poverty, disease and injustice. We pray that God would prosper their efforts to proclaim Christ in Africa and elsewhere, and to transform society for His glory.

We know that many of them are disturbed by the apparent fixation of some in the western churches with promoting homosexual practice and changing the church’s traditional teaching based on Scripture.

My emphasis.

The Church Statement then proceeds to ask CAPA take time to fixate on homosexuality.

A recent BBC News report asked “Why can’t Africa handle poverty“?

The UN says that halfway to the deadline, sub-Saharan Africa is unlikely to meet any of the poverty-busting goals – nor the benchmarks on education, health, and women’s empowerment.

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