In accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney said:
So we started a new business called Bain Capital. The only problem was, while WE believed in ourselves, nobody else did. We were young and had never done this before and we almost didn’t get off the ground. In those days, sometimes I wondered if I had made a really big mistake. I had thought about asking my church’s pension fund to invest, but I didn’t. I figured it was bad enough that I might lose my investors’ money, but I didn’t want to go to hell too. Shows what I know. Another of my partners got the Episcopal Church pension fund to invest. Today there are a lot of happy retired priests who should thank him.
Whereupon Diana Butler Bass tweeted: Episcopal Church Pension Fund: Divest from Bain Capital.
And Elizabeth Drescher tweeted: #TEC is Bain investor. How quickly can we divest?
And John Chilton tweeted: @edrescherphd Why should we?
And Ginny Baker Gibbs tweeted: I’m an Episcopalian and I’m wondering how long until Jim Naughton puts up a post about the Church Pension Fund.