Who’s the next bishop of the Diocese of Washington?

Following up on the announcement several months ago of the impending retirement of Bishop Chane of Washington, word came our way earlier this week, but slipped through the cracks and waited for a slow Sunday afternoon:


The name of any person may be submitted for consideration, subject to the canonical requirement that the person be at least 30 years old at the time of the election in June 2011. Names may be submitted by mail or email, and must be delivered by October 15, along with the person’s contact information, CDO profile, resume, and responses to a short list of questions, and two letters of support (one lay and one clergy). The

candidate application is found on our web site, http://search.edow.org.

The Rev. Dr Joan E. Beilstein

Clerical Deputy to GC

Chair of the Transition Committee

Diocese of Washington

Also worth noting:

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