You can’t hold the leaders of GAFCON responsible for Robert Mugabe’s criticisms of Archbishop Rowan Williams:
In a campaign comment ahead of today’s uncontested election in Zimbabwe, President Robert Mugabe has condemned Archbishop Rowan Williams as lacking a “moral compass” and said that gays in the church are a sign of “moral degeneracy”.
The embarrassing endorsement of their cause, shown on Channel 4 television news in Britain and elsewhere last night, came as hard-line Anglicans have been meeting in Jerusalem.
In the past, anti-gay and homophobic rhetoric has formed a strong part of Mr Mugabe’s attack against the West and against the human rights standards advocated by the international community.
You can hold them responsible for supporting Mugabe’s favorite bishop, Nolbert Kunonga throughout his violent tenture. Kunonga was kept in office by GAFCON favorite Bernard Malango, the retired primate of Central Africa, who dismissed a church tribunal assembled to try Kunonga.