Daily Reading for August 1 • Joseph of Arimathea
Not one of the Twelve, but perhaps one of the seventy, approached without fear and took charge of Jesus’ funeral. Joseph therefore came and asked the favor from Pilate, which he granted. And why should he not? Nicodemus also assists him and furnishes a costly burial. For they were still disposed to think of him as a mere man. And they brought those spices whose special nature is to preserve the body for a long time and not allow it quickly to yield to corruption, which was an act of people imagining nothing great respecting him. Nonetheless, they exhibited very loving affection. But how is it that not one of the Twelve came, neither John, nor Peter nor any other of the more distinguished disciples? . . . Joseph came despite his fear. It seems to me that Joseph was a man of high rank (as is clear from the funeral) and known to Pilate, which is why he obtained the favor. And then he buried him, not as a criminal, but magnificently after the Jewish fashion, as some great and admirable person.
From Homilies on the Gospel of John 85.3 by John Chyrsostom, quoted in Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament IVb, John 11-21, edited by Joel C. Elowsky (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2007).