The Anglican Church of North America has responded to criticism from the Anglican Church of Nigeria over ACNA’s recent statement regarding persons of (in ACNA’s words) “persons with same-sex attraction.” ACNA’s response makes no reference to the criticism by the Anglican Church of Nigeria, and deflects that criticism of its statement onto a “Dear Gay Anglicans” letter issued by some ACNA members, lay and clergy.
Thinking Anglicans has a straightforward timeline which it is updating:
On 19 January, the Anglican Church in North America published Sexuality and Identity: A Pastoral Statement from the College of Bishops.
On 22 February there was a response from some individuals within ACNA in the form of a public letter addressed to “Dear Gay Anglicans”. Although this has been withdrawn by the originator as discussed here , you can read a copy of it here. This prompted a response on 23 February: Archbishop Beach writes to the Diocese of the South about the “Dear Gay Anglicans” open letter.
On 26 February, the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) published a letter signed by Archbishop Henry Ndukuba, the Primate, which heavily criticises ACNA for the original pastoral statement. The original PDF format of this letter can be seen here: Church-of-Nigerias-Position-on-the-Recent-Developments-in-ACNA-February-2021, and there is a copy of the letter at Anglican Ink, over here.
That in turn generated a response from ACNA on 27 February: Clarity in the Midst of Confusion: A Provincial Statement on the Events of the Week.