Without mention of Church of Nigeria criticism, ACNA responds

The Anglican Church of North America has responded to criticism from the Anglican Church of Nigeria over ACNA’s recent statement regarding persons of (in ACNA’s words) “persons with same-sex attraction.” ACNA’s response makes no reference to the criticism by the Anglican Church of Nigeria, and deflects that criticism of its statement onto a “Dear Gay Anglicans” letter issued by some ACNA members, lay and clergy.

Thinking Anglicans has a straightforward timeline which it is updating:

On 19 January, the Anglican Church in North America published Sexuality and Identity: A Pastoral Statement from the College of Bishops.

On 22 February there was a response from some individuals within ACNA in the form of a public letter addressed to “Dear Gay Anglicans”. Although this has been withdrawn by the originator as discussed here , you can read a copy of it here. This prompted a response on 23 February: Archbishop Beach writes to the Diocese of the South about the “Dear Gay Anglicans” open letter.

On 26 February, the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) published a letter signed by Archbishop Henry Ndukuba, the Primate, which heavily criticises ACNA for the original pastoral statement. The original PDF format of this letter can be seen here: Church-of-Nigerias-Position-on-the-Recent-Developments-in-ACNA-February-2021, and there is a copy of the letter at Anglican Inkover here.

That in turn generated a response from ACNA on 27 February: Clarity in the Midst of Confusion: A Provincial Statement on the Events of the Week.

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