Wonder and Joy


“It’s snowing, it’s snowing

look, Mama, look!”

The cheers ring through the house

a blustery wind outside

falling snow coating the leaves and grass

the joy of a first snow

as seen through the eyes of children.


From the inside looking out

the day seems cold

and harsh

but the light in my children’s eyes

tell me otherwise.


Can I see everything this way?
Full of wonder and joy

possibilities abounding

hope in every corner

grace under every toy

love with open arms.


The first snow reminds me 

this early November day

that God keeps surprising us

showing us the beauty of creation

the marvel of a single snowflake 

the twinkle in a child’s eye. 


Teach me to see with the eyes of children

full of wonder and joy

help me to listen

to the whisper of the wind

the lone bird’s song

the candle’s flicker of flames

help me to smell

the warm scent of fire

warm coffee

fresh bread from the oven.


This day

this life

all of creation

a gift of God’s design

calling for us to notice

and revel in the beauty

and pause

for just a moment

to see the goodness of God. 


Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website or follow her work on Facebook.  


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