Wrinkle in Time shoots up the best seller list

Madeleine L’Engle’s novel A Wrinkle in Time has moved up the best seller list following Chelsea Clinton’s mention of it as a favorite during her Democratic National Convention Speech. Madeleine L’Engle was an Episcopalian, a member of St John the Divine Cathedral in New York City.

From Raw Story video and text of speech:

Growing up, conversations around our dinner table would start with what I learned in school that day. I remember one week talking every night about a book that had captured my imagination, “A Wrinkle in Time.” Only then would we talk about what my parents were working on – education, health care – whatever was consuming their days and keeping them up at night. I loved that my parents expected me to have opinions and be able to back them up with facts. I never once doubted that they cared about my thoughts and ideas. And I always, always knew how deeply they loved me.

The Guardian writes:

Whether L’Engle intended it or not, A Wrinkle in Time was a powerful message for me to stay true to myself, to embrace the things that made me different and to love fierce, strong-minded women. As I grew up, realized I was gay and made my way in the world, those were the best friends and allies I could ever ask for.

Since Chelsea Clinton mentioned it as her favorite childhood book on Thursday, Wrinkle has shot to the top of the bestseller lists. It makes me excited to think of all the young minds who will embark on its journey, getting sneakily introduced to quantum physics and cellular biology along the way.


Image: A Wrinkle in Time book cover

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