Churches March for Immigrant Rights
Revival of sanctuary movements among churches and lobbying for immigrant rights have become ways that Episcopal Churches are joining with other faith groups and with
Revival of sanctuary movements among churches and lobbying for immigrant rights have become ways that Episcopal Churches are joining with other faith groups and with
Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink
or of observing festivals, new moons, or sabbaths. These are only a
shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Do
not let anyone disqualify you, insisting on self-abasement and
With two days to go until he is installed as Bishop Missionary Leader of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) by the Most
Bishop Christopher Epting relates the story of three faiths in search of common ground – real ground. A Synagogue, a Mosque and an Episcopal Church
The Falls Church News-Press comments on the visit to Virginia by Abp Akinola: While the political elites in Abuja will use guns to maintain dominion
The Bible is not a magical instrument, but it has the ability to put the reader or reading community “in touch with the living God who can give you spiritual life just as he has given you natural life,” writes the English evangelist Michael Green. “The written word can put you in touch with Jesus the living word (or self-disclosure) of God.”
My attention has been drawn to your letter of April 30th ostensibly written to me but published on the Episcopal News Service website. In light of the concerns that you raise it might be helpful to be reminded of the actions and decisions that have led to our current predicament.
The Washington Times is saying: Despite a general invitation to CANA-affiliated parishes in Virginia plus about 200 invitations to out-of-town church officials, most conservative Episcopal
Barbara Kingsolver isn’t one to give advice, she says. She’s more the sort to listen to a problem for a while and reply with, “Well, I don’t know, what do you think you should do?” On Tuesday night, she greeted a crowd of hundreds who had come to Washington National Cathedral to hear her discuss her family’s new book, Animal, Vegetable,
Fort Worth Weekly describes the state of The Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. Writer Eric Griffey interviews people from a variety of views on issues