Day: May 18, 2007

Sins of unity

Generally, the Church only ever sees the good in the idea of community. Yet, in the name of community, all manner of nastiness and bigotry is frequently excused. Precisely because we are so focused on the sins of the first person singular, our radar is insufficiently attuned to those committed in the first person plural. It’s a moral blind spot.

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The PB speaks in Texas

“The reality is that we have changed our scriptural understandings about all sorts of things, including sexual ethics,” Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori told the Austin American-Statesman. “We teach something different about contraception than we did 50 years ago. We permit remarriage after divorce … Homosexuality is the most recent in a long series of challenges.

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Ethic of transparency catches on

If our contributions to the conversation are to be of value, an ethic of transparency, of honesty, needs to be upheld. As one who has used a nom de plume for many years, I understand the need some folks have to protect their privacy. However, I am encouraging those who are comfortable doing so to begin using their real names.

To launch this effort towards more tranparency, it seems appropriate to begin with myself.

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The House of Psalms

The center of the Daily Office is dwelling in the house of the Psalms. As the years turn, we wend our way through the pages of Holy Writ but our home, our abiding dwelling, is in the house of the Psalms. It has ever been so. Whether we recite them weekly…

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Risky Worship

Christians need to take part in risky worship that could allow “tawdry youth culture” into the church, if young people are to feel at home in the pews. Diana Greenfield of the Church Army, writes about nightclub chaplaincy, a field she describes as “untapped”. She criticises churches for their lack of work in what she says some Christians call “dens of iniquity”.

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Ecstatic union

Most people I know seem to think of heaven as compensatory. Whatever is missing here will be present there. Those who have endured war will know peace. Those who have suffered want will have plenty. Those who have been broken will be made whole. In this sense, heaven is essential both for divine justice and compassion, for heaven is where God’s purpose will be fulfilled, and

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Don’t just do something

In a twenty minute drive the other day I heard at least three advertisements that claimed to offer people rest, for a price.

America doesn’t need any more things to keep them awake. What we really need is something to help us sleep better. Buy a mattress.

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