South Carolina tries again
The Diocese of South Carolina, which elected Mark Lawrence to be there next bishop, but failed to receive the needed number of consents to that election is planning to hold a new election with Mark as the only candidate…
The Diocese of South Carolina, which elected Mark Lawrence to be there next bishop, but failed to receive the needed number of consents to that election is planning to hold a new election with Mark as the only candidate…
In addition to calling for the Primate’s request to the House of Bishops to be rejected, Executive Council warned the dioceses that have changed their constitutions and by-laws to weaken their ascession to the Episcopal Church that they have overstepped their bounds.
Six retired Canadian Archbishops have called on the Anglican Church of Canada to take action in its summer synod which would allow Anglicans to perform blessing liturgies for same-sex couples.
God gives Himself mainly along two channels: through the soul’s daily life and circumstances and through its prayer. In both that soul must always be ready for Him; wide open to receive Him, and willing to accept and absorb without fastidiousness that which is given, however distasteful and unsuitable it may seem.
What is going on in the Communion this week? Are we seeing the beginning moves of an African-based strategy to respond to the stresses between Anglican provinces?
The Rev. George Conger’s blog site has news that the Church of England in Europe may soon be experiencing the same sort of parish-leave-taking as the Episcopal Church