Bishop Persell: reaching across the divide
The Chicago Tribune website has an article reporting on the work and ministry of Bishop William Persell, the Episcopal Bishop of Chicago who will be leaving Chicago in the fall of this year.
The Chicago Tribune website has an article reporting on the work and ministry of Bishop William Persell, the Episcopal Bishop of Chicago who will be leaving Chicago in the fall of this year.
The Rt. Rev. Frederick James Hiltz of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island: A Primate’s ministry “inevitably involves what someone once described as “pushing the boat out from the shore,” launching out into the deep.” “It’s about the work of respecting the dignity of every human being, building a just society, and announcing the reign of God.”
The Ugandan House of bishops has set the date for Bishop elect Guernsey’s consecration for Sunday, 2nd September 2007. The bishop elect is presently the rector of a church in Virginia.
What’s needed is a structure for our spiritual life, some container to keep our growing awareness from dribbling away. As John Tarrant writes, in The Light Inside the Dark, “Everything new needs to be held, needs a place into which it can be born.”
I hate going to church alone. No, actually I despise going to church alone. I skip going to church on Sunday morning sometimes just so I will not have to go alone. Going alone and sitting there among people makes me fell even more alone than when I am at home all by myself.