Day: July 18, 2007

Catching glimpes of what’s really important in life

Their favorite place was Richmond, a dusty speck of a town with high unemployment between coastal Port Elizabeth and huge Johannesburg. Under the umbrella of a program started two years ago by St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Poolesville (Maryland), the girls stayed two days to deliver food and play with local kids.

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Bishop Chane speaks out on fixing the Farm Bill

At a multi-denominational press conference on Capitol Hill on July 17, Bishop John Bryson Chane of the Diocese of Washington and five other faith leaders called upon the leadership of the United States Congress to stand for a farm bill consistent with “our nation’s fundamental values of fairness and opportunity for all people.”

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Uncle Walt keeps the gate

No one else in our family was religious, including an uncle who was an American Baptist minister. The rest of us were Protestants merely because we weren’t Catholic or Jewish. So it’s funny that my most enduring childhood memory of spending time with Uncle Walt and Aunt Alene is of those Sundays when they dragged me to Mass and I had to sit alone while they went up for Communion.

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Harriet Ross Tubman

Harriet Ross Tubman, a former slave and the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad, through which slaves were smuggled to the North, remembers her own moment of crossing the border into freedom.

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