Quotable quote about the Diocese of Virginia
An exchange in a newspaper local to a CANA parish reveals a hole in the arguments of the defected congregation of their right to hold on to the historic Falls Church.
An exchange in a newspaper local to a CANA parish reveals a hole in the arguments of the defected congregation of their right to hold on to the historic Falls Church.
Anderson welcomes “this opportunity … to meet with those in the diocese who love the Episcopal Church and support God’s ministry of reconciliation and healing in a troubled world. The leadership of the Episcopal Church has been paying close attention to the events in the Diocese of Fort Worth and will continue to work with and support faithful Episcopalians.”
This fall, hundreds of thousands of Ohio State University (OSU) football fans will receive a little something extra in their game programs — an invitation to any of the more than 80 congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio.
There is a closer relationship between faith in the Virgin birth and faith in the bodily resurrection of Christ than might at first sight appear. Both doctrines affirm the depth of God’s love, the extent of his involvement in the human mass, in the very substance of our human history, its reality of flesh and blood.
The Daily Office is one of the things that drew me into the Episcopal Church. Benedictine in spirit, evangelical in nature, the rhythm of psalmody, the constancy of the Scriptures and the experience of the ebb and flow of the liturgical year guided me into a deeper understanding of the Word of God and the way of the cross revealed therein.