Madeleine L’Engle has died
The New York Times has news today that the noted children’s author and active episcopal layperson and speaker had died at the age of 88.
The New York Times has news today that the noted children’s author and active episcopal layperson and speaker had died at the age of 88.
Scott Gunn writes that he believes he’s discovered the real reason for the present controversies in the Anglican Communion, and who is ultimately pushing things
The Archbishop of Canterbury will be contacting the Archbishop of Nigeria to seek clarification of Bishop Orama’s remarks. Williams said “The Anglican Primates, along with all other official bodies in the Anglican Communion, have consistently called for an end to homophobia, violence and hatred….”
The Anglican Journal (published in Canada) is re-running an article from 2003 this month. It’s written by Terry Brown, the bishop of Malaita in the
Have you ever noticed how baby poo has an uncanny ability to expand and multiply and how that capability is exponentially truer when you’re wearing nice clothing or the child is wearing nice clothing or a lot of people are watching you?
Years after I found my way back to mainstream Protestantism, someone asked what attracted me to the Episcopal Church. With only a moment’s pause I replied, “The wood.”