Scott Gunn writes that he believes he’s discovered the real reason for the present controversies in the Anglican Communion, and who is ultimately pushing things along. It’s the vestment companies:
“I think a certain company from Greenwich, Connecticut has brainwashed certain Anglicans to espouse divisive ideas. The idea was that things would fall apart, and we’d need a whole new set of bishops. Heck, now we’re getting set after set of bishops. Their nefarious plan has been wildly successful!
Yes, my friends, I believe it’s all about the purple shirts. Is it the retailer? The fabric manufacturer? How deep does the plot go? If I can find an IRD-esque funder, I plan to continue this investigation. And, definitely, I’m going to buy a massive fake volcano.
As crazy as it sounds to imagine that an ecclesiastical haberdasher is behind all this, I just can’t fathom a more rational explanation for why Rwanda needs to have half its House of Bishops operating in the US. I can’t see why we need to have outposts from Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Southern Cone, and who-knows-where-else?”
Read the rest of the post: here.