Day: September 16, 2007

In God we trust

October 1st marks the 50th anniversary of the appearance of “In God We Trust” on the paper currency of the United States. The phrase, which is the nation’s official motto as well, has been caught in a broader debate over just how high the wall separating church and state should stand.

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The Stillborn God?

Why has religion persisted in the West after the Enlightenment? Did the nature of Christianity itself push us toward secularism? Mark Lilla offers some answers in The Stillborn God, which is reviewed in the New York Times Book Review today

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What have we done?

“I think they’re pushing us because they want to polarize the issue,” said Bishop Parsley of Alabama, who did not vote for Robinson. “The primates want us to say that we don’t approve public rites of blessing, and we have not done that. They don’t want us to approve gay bishops, and the 2006 general convention resolution makes that unlikely. Basically, what I’m saying is that what they are asking is essentially already the case.”

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God and evolution

Is an acceptance of neo-Darwinian evolution possible for a Christian? Catholic theologian Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., offer three different Christian approaches to reconciling scientific evidenc eof evolution with faith in a creating God.

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