Day: January 24, 2008

Economy, govt. cleanup, poverty top issues among Evangelicals

Last week, Beliefnet conducted an online poll of 980 self-identified “evangelical/born again” respondents, and it showed that 85 percent of respondents marked the economy and “cleaning up government” as top issues. While most still identify as conservative and express their views of the Bible as being “the inerrant word of God,” many would be surprised by what comes next

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Yumoto vacated from Executive Council position

Almost in answer to our question yesterday about whether Ted Yumoto can remain on the national Executive Council, the Province VIII executive committee is seeking nominations for a lay representative to the national Executive Council to fill the vacated position. The Rev. Jack Eastwood, Province. VIII president, said that a decision was made to vacate the seat held by Ted Yumoto of the Fresno, California-based Diocese of San Joaquin after Yumoto told them he “had voted to amend canons and the constitution of the diocese” to realign with the Argentina-based Anglican Province of the Southern Cone.

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Episcopal women’s orgs going 2.0

Episcopal Life points us to how members the Council of Episcopal Women’s Organizations (CEWO) are learning about how to reach “new audiences through blogs, Facebook, YouTube, iPods and other electronic forms of staying in touch” in the new media environment.

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Fireside chats with KJS

From Fr. Jake’s account of a “fireside chat” with the Presiding Bishop: “Bp. Katharine reminded us that there are two stories of creation in Genesis. One begins with the creative act of God, after which we are told that God looked upon creation and declared that “It is very good.” The other creation account focuses on the fall in the garden.”

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Worshipping together?

The LA Times ran a story that’s created some drama in the blogosphere about a service in which Hindus and Christians worshiped together at an Episcopal service. The story ran on Jan. 20, claiming that “All were invited to Holy Communion, after the Episcopal celebrant elevated a tray of consecrated Indian bread, and deacons raised wine-filled chalices.” Today, the newspaper ran a correction.

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Day by day at Lambeth

The Archbishop of Canterbury has released the schedule of the Lambeth Conference. The bishops will take up the most contentious issues before the Communion July 31-August 2.

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Ministry transformed

The first woman priest in the Anglican Communion was not an American. In a curious parallel to the seating of Elizabeth Dyer in the House of Deputies in 1946, the upheaval of wartime had also made possible the 1944 ordination of Florence Li Tim-Oi by Ronald O. Hall, the bishop of Hong Kong, to provide priestly ministrations to Chinese Americans under the Japanese occupation.

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As I put down the kitchen phone, I remember with a pang how, when my kids were small, they would greet a day like this with great whoops of joy, running outside to sled down the lawn and make snow angels. Don’t look back, I tell myself. Banish the self-pity. You have two healthy, grown kids. You have a full life, people and work you love. You’re safe in a warm house. To be anything but thankful would be a disgrace. Still…

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