Day: March 6, 2008

Archbishops on blogs and blogging

Maggie Dawn sat down with the Archbishops of York and Canterbury and asked them about the proper role of the blog and blogger in society. Their responses show they are aware of the phenomenon and have been thinking about the question.

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Gunman kills 8 at Jerusalem seminary

A gunman entered a Jewish yeshiva library in Gaza tonight and opened fire, killing at least eight and wounding several more. News reports are all over the place (some say two gunmen, and casualty counts vary), but according to the New York Times relating information from the Israeli police, a lone gunman was killed by a part-time student and some passing security guards.

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The New Yorker story that’s all the buzz

If you read last week the letter from Bishop Sisk giving advance warning of a forthcoming story from the New Yorker in which Honor Moore recounts details of her father’s private life–an excerpt from the late Bishop Paul Moore’s daughter’s forthcoming autobiographical work–you might be wondering, so, ok, there’s the horse, but where’s the cart?

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Stations of the MDGs

Controversy over a liturgy to bring the Millennium Development Goals into focus during this Lenten season has caught the attention of Christianity Today. The liturgy, which was developed in 2007 by Mike Angell for a young adult conference; Angell notes in the piece that he did not intend it to replace the traditional stations of the cross. But EGR executive director Mike Kinman says that the increased awareness of how many children die every day helps us understand the suffering that still exists in the world.

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A fresh look at the unchurched

As new ways of connecting and engaging with faith community emerge, defining what is “unchurched” becomes a good deal more complicated, as noted in a new Barna Group research study. It goes on to say that also noted that churchgoers are more likely to interact with faith community in new ways, such as through web sites or special ministry events.

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Students become more spiritual, liberal in college

A new study finds “that while attendance at religious services decreased dramatically for most students between their freshman and junior years, the students’ overall level of spirituality, as defined by the researchers, increases. On hot-button social issues, such as abortion and gay marriage, the study finds that students become increasingly liberal.”

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Opportunities for redemption

I don’t believe in spiritual formulae anymore. I believe God presents each of us with opportunities for redemption, and we either name them or not, embrace them or not. We can’t anticipate those moments—we can only become ready as best we can and pray for the grace that we will experience God.

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Pilgrimages among the impoverished

Maybe participants are being spurred not only by generosity but also by a quest to find out what meaning people enjoy while living with hardships that North Americans can barely imagine. Many people return from their pilgrimages to Central American villages with questions such as: How come that people who live with such physical discomforts seem far happier and contented, more trusting and hospitable than we are, who are so cocooned and protected?

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