Oh, how we miss hearing from you
There’s a problem with our commenting system right now. We are aware of the problem, are looking into it and hope to have it resolved
There’s a problem with our commenting system right now. We are aware of the problem, are looking into it and hope to have it resolved
Remember the images from the 1980’s of the starving people of Ethiopia, and how those images mobilized a global response? The failed harvests and inadequate food distribution channels still exist in that country. The good news is that we do not expect a repeat of the wide-spread crisis of the 80’s. The bad news is that a state of near starvation has become the new “normal” for Ethiopians.
The Rev. Dr. Patrick Malloy, a priest in the Diocese of Bethlehem (PA) writes of what it was like for a number of congregations in that diocese to set up an evangelism event at a regional gathering of GLBT people.
Katharine Babson is a priest of the Episcopal Church who’s been doing missionary work in Myanmar on and off since 1994. There’s an article published today that describes her ministry and her love for the people among whom she works.
A priest in the Diocese of Pittsburgh has posted a description and timeline of the process that was followed by a dozen or so conservative clergy in that diocese as they publicly announced that they would be staying within the Episcopal Church.
In the correspondence that was released last week which disclosed the Archbishop of Canterbury’s private opinion on morality of same-sex relationships, there was one small point made by the Archbishop that not many people have noticed.
DuBose urges that Jesus’ humanity was not merely the humanity of an individual man, but rather “the common and universal nature of us all.” Therefore Jesus’ human holiness, righteousness, and life possess a “universal” significance. Accordingly, Jesus “can be nothing less than God our holiness, our righteousness, our life.” Jesus was no mere sample or example of human salvation: “it was not one man but humanity that He was.”