Day: November 14, 2008

Obama and religious voters

The exit polls from last week’s presidential election are starting to show us who voted for whom. One of the most interesting facts that’s being noticed is that the “God Gap”, the way religious voters tend to vote for Republican candidates, is still present in American politics.

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Saudi sponsored UN interfaith conference

There have a been a number of news reports over the past day or so about the ongoing conference at the United Nations where leaders of the worlds religions are meeting with one another. What’s particularly interesting to many is that this conference has the King of Saudi Arabia as a full participant, a first for this sort of conference since the rise of the House of Saud in holy land of Islam.

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Priest calls for penance for presidential vote

The Roman Catholic bishops of the US have come out pretty clearly against supporting any candidate they deem to be “pro-choice”. The problem has been though that many Roman Catholic voters have ignored that advice. Now a priest is suggesting a way for wayward RC’s to repair the damage to their souls for voting for Obama last week.

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The Abbot on “Temperance”

Christopher Jamison, the Abbot of Worth, in the Inaugural “Noah Lecture” has spoken about ways that people of faith might act to lead society out of the present financial and global climate crises. He points the finger of blame at our willingness to start believing that “greed is good” and says that we need to return to the basics of moral theology.

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Frequent communion

Parish worship on the whole continued along pre-Revolutionary lines once the Episcopal Church had organized itself and adopted a Prayer Book. Regional variations persisted. Connecticut’s Bishop Seabury devoted himself energetically to his episcopal ministry, ordaining clergy for New England,

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Can private virtue be public vice?

God knows, I am not against wealth but it is worth asking what it consists of. If you Google the richest man in the world, you get names like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Carlos Slim. Here are some other answers. An anonymous rabbi said, “The richest man in the world is the one who is content with what he has.” But can the auto industry survive my contentment with my car?

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