Day: December 16, 2008

The Bible and gay marriage

Lisa Miller, religion editor at Newsweek, contends on Talk of the Nation on NPR that the Bible’s models of marriage are flawed, and its lessons about love actually argue for gay marriage

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Top religion stories

A survey of more than 100 religion journalists has named President-elect Barack Obama Newsmaker of the Year for consciously seeking the support of the faith

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Bishop Ely interviewed on Vermont Public Radio

Bishop of Vermont, The Rt. Rev. Tom Ely, was on Vermont Public Radio, Monday, December 15, where he spoke about current events in the Anglican Communion, various initiatives of the diocese of Vermont such as the Millennium Development Goals, support for the church and people in El Salvador and the Sudan, and environmental activism.

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Christmas message from the ABC

Human beings, left to themselves, have imagined God in all sorts of shapes; but – although there were one or two instances, in Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, of gods being pictured as boys – it took Christianity to introduce the world to the idea of God in the form of a baby…. If you stop to think about it, it is still shocking. And it is also deeply challenging.

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Mass-produced madness

These products generally come from far away lands, and often look better, and “more real” than their hand-made and unique predecessors. Nevertheless, they do not point to any real past, and are the mere sub-product of industrial plants built only a few years ago. Human rights concerns, and the depletion of local companies, which cannot compete against the cheaper imports, are also issues that must be addressed, especially by people of faith.

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Mystery unsearchable

It surpasses all thought, it amazes, it confounds, to think of God becoming man; the Infinite enshrined within the finite, the Lord of all blended with His servant, the Creator with His creature! It is a depth of mystery unsearchable. We must shrink with awe when we pronounce it.

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