Nigeria proposes ban on same-sex unions
The Nigerian legislature has before it another bill to prohibit same-sex unions and make a criminal out of anyone who witnesses or formalizes such marriages.
The Nigerian legislature has before it another bill to prohibit same-sex unions and make a criminal out of anyone who witnesses or formalizes such marriages.
The New York Times reports that state welfare programs are not keeping up with the increasing demands created by the increasing unemployment and the worst economic downturn in decades. The paper says that “18 states cut their welfare rolls last year, and nationally the number of people receiving cash assistance remained at or near the lowest in more than 40 years.”
A priest who led a group of Central Florida Episcopalians out of the Episcopal Church into an association with the Anglican Province of Kenya a
Progressive religious groups are hoping that the new administration in Washington will be more sympathetic to their causes and will act on poverty, the environment and social justice issues.
ROUGH ROUGH The Windsor Continuation Group report released yesterday with the Primates’ Communique plays a central role in the communique. Jim Naughton and Tobias Hallerflagged
Matthew 5:3 says “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” For Anne Sutherland Howard this reveals a “third way” to approaching the questions of poverty and wealth, a way that does not make absolute the divide between rich and poor, nor in spiritualizing poverty. Instead, she says we can choose a spirituality of abundance in the face of a culture of scarcity.
The Primates of the Anglican Communion are meeting in Alexandria through February 5th. The Anglican Covenant is their primary agenda item. Please keep them in
Diana Butler Bass is the guest host at the USA Today forum on Faith and Reason today. Your can ask her questions about her research and what she is thinking about now. She says she will haunt the site and answer questions all day. She says her main topics are vital mainline churches and “beyond liberal and conservative” but people can ask about anything they want.
You may have already seen this clip from President Obama’s first TV interview as president, the one he did with Al Arabia (based in the
Her hands steadied the first steps
of him who steadied the earth to walk upon;
her lips helped the Word of God
to form his first human words.