Waters of Hope riders peddle a good cause
The Waters of Hope cycling tour is the brain child of a campus Episcopal minister from Columbia, Mo. Last year’s ride raised $65,000, and this year organizers hope to top that.
The Waters of Hope cycling tour is the brain child of a campus Episcopal minister from Columbia, Mo. Last year’s ride raised $65,000, and this year organizers hope to top that.
For starters, with Sotomayor this makes for a serious one-two punch with Latinos. It’s very interesting that he’s a theologian rather than your basic Catholic pol or lawyer type. … This strikes me as the shrewdest of moves, and one that will cause no end of teeth-grinding on the Catholic right, including the likes of Archbishop Burke.
The Rev. Alberto Cutié, the celebrity priest removed from his Miami Beach church after photos of him kissing and embracing a woman appeared in the pages of a Spanish-language magazine earlier this month, will leave the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Miami to join the Episcopal Church.
Worldwide, the rhetoric of homophobia recapitulates the tropes of classical Jew hatred. Gay people are seen as a subversive internal enemy with dangerous international connections. Even in places where they’ve been cowed into near invisibility, they’re viewed as having an almost occult power. They represent modernism and cosmopolitanism, the bete noirs of every type of fundamentalism.
They are: The Most Revd Dr John Neill, Archbishop of Dublin (Chair); The Most Revd Dr John Chew, Primate of South East Asia; Dr Eileen Scully, Anglican Church of Canada; The Rt Revd Dr Gregory Cameron, Bishop of St Asaph in the Church in Wales and former Deputy Secretary General of the Anglican Communion.
The Diocese of Stockholm in the Church of Sweden has just elected Eva Brunne, a lesbian in a registered domestic partnership, as its bishop. The Church of England is in full communion with the Church of Sweden through the Porvoo Agreement. The question now is how Rowan Williams will respond.
The Rev. Will Scott of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco explains why he got arrested in a protest following the California Supreme Court’s decision upholding Proposition 8.
Be sure, the psalmist tells us in Psalm 98, God is coming. Somehow, someway, God is coming to judge the earth, and that includes each one of us. And God comes again and again, in a variety of ways and times, to guide us and refine us.
If the civil unions and domestic partnerships are legally indistinguishable from marriage, then the logic of Brown v. Board of Education and its progeny will require that either a single term is used or that the terms may be used interchangeably by both same-gender and opposite-gender couples.