Day: June 9, 2009

Obama: Religious Educator-in-Chief

In the President’s speech at Cairo University the former law professor has acquired the unlikely credential of religious-educator-in-chief. This task is a daunting one since our hopes for world peace depend largely on it. His speech gave religious educators a demo of how to teach religion in our globalized world.

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British churches appalled at BNP election

…we need to remember the BNP vote actually went down at this election. The BNP got in because Elections go on the proportion of votes cast. The Labour vote collapsed, and unprecedented numbers of voters stayed at home.

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End high interest pay day loans

A United Methodist bishop testifies on the scandal of predatory lenders who often charge as much as 400% interest. Bishop Minerva Carcaño called for a cap on the amount of interest that can be charged.

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Catch and release

During graduation, we chaplains share a few Dunkin’ Donuts while we wait for the parade, then we wave and cheer for the students we know as they walk past us. “Good job, Kari!” “Way to go, Andre!” I am smiling and waving, joking with my colleagues, tossing back munchkins. But I’ll tell you a secret: it feels like the apocalypse.

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Affirmed by God

For indeed after the lapse of many years, when St. Columba was excommunicated by a certain synod for some pardonable and very trifling reasons, and indeed unjustly, as it afterwards appeared at the end, he came to the same meeting convened against himself.

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