CT bishop nominees announced
The Diocese of Connecticut has a website for its nominees for 15th Bishop. Check it out. There are four nominees: the Reverend Mark Delcuze, the
The Diocese of Connecticut has a website for its nominees for 15th Bishop. Check it out. There are four nominees: the Reverend Mark Delcuze, the
From organist Robert Ridgell.
The session is not an official convention meeting and thus there has been no announcement of the plans. However, when contacted by Episcopal News Service, the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe of the Diocese of California confirmed the details.
Lisa Fox, who blogs at My Manner of Life, has the names of six of the eight members of the secret panel that the House of Bishops Theology Committee assembled to study same-sex relationships. Bishop Henry Parsley, chair of the commitee, has refused to release the names, but it is hard to keep secrets in a small church. Perhaps the other two members will now come forward.
The printing partner editors have received this email from Anne Rudig, the director of the Episcopal Church’s Office of Communication. It is their first direct
Maine’s bishop, Steve Lane, uses YouTube to offer a few words to Maine Episcopalians in advance of General Convention. Perhaps your bishop could follow his
How do we effectively communicate the interplay of interdependence and financial independence? How do we support local indigenous leadership today with a focus on self-sustaining, autonomous relationships? “Mission theology has changed and parts of the church are well aware of that. We are not in a colonial model–it’s no longer ‘we have the goods and you will receive them.’ It’s a partnership–we have gifts to offer and something to receive,” said Jefferts Schori. “Mission partnerships expect a mutual relationship. It’s not just about spending money.”
While the debate rages between the notion of eternal rightness of marriage between one man and one woman and the belief in the justice of extending civil benefits of marriage to partners of the same sex, we perhaps miss what is happening all around the debate. For in the bigger picture, the “framework” itself is changing. A new consciousness is clearly emerging.
The path I walk, Christ walks it.
May the land in which I am be without sorrow.
May the Trinity protect me wherever I stay,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.