Day: July 8, 2009

Anderson and advisors meet with Archbishop Williams

Bonnie Anderson, president of the House of Deputies, and four members of her council of advice met for half an hour today with the Most Rev. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The topic was the distinctive governance system of the Episcopal Church, and the friction that system sometimes creates for Williams and others in the Anglican Communion.

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FoCA UK ruffles Queen

“Sources close to the Palace”, as they say, have coughed lightly and raised an eyebrow to one another. That’s a courtier’s equivalent of being incandescent with rage.

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Making connections at General Convention

The other work of convention is about networking, meeting people, talking about what others are doing to love and serve the Lord. Over lunch, I talk with a priest who sits beside me about a colleague of his who would like to come to Maine… new connections. I run into retired Bishop Chilton for a few minutes talk about ministry in the Diocese of Haiti

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The Presiding Bishop’s sermon from the opening Eucharist

Some of you may not know that while Victor Rivera was bishop in San Joaquin, and for many years afterward, he insisted that women should not be ordained. He didn’t go to Nedi’s ordination as a priest, and he had never taken communion from her, over the more than 25 years that she served as priest. I asked Nedi later how he had come to change his mind. She said to me, “He didn’t change his mind; he changed his heart.”

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Eyes on the floor: reflections from General Convention

Somehow in the midst of the maze of rooms and halls of the Anaheim Convention Center and surrounding hotels, the herculean effort of starting General Convention is gaining a head of steam. It began with a bit of an odd start Tuesday morning with new deputies and some deputy alternates (like yours truly) gathering near the information booth to find out where a promised new deputy orientation was happening. Only thing was, it wasn’t.

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Hey friend, got 80 cents?

A mere 80 cents – per person – per year – from every Episcopalian in the United States. Why?

So we can double the number of missionaries serving Christ in Christ’s far-flung world. See, it turns

out that the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, also known as The Episcopal Church, also known as us, only has about 80 missionaries serving overseas at any given moment.

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Search for the holy

A journey, a quest, the search for the holy, answers a deep need in all of us, the outer journey which reflects the inner journey. The twentieth century has brought easier travel and made it possible for people in their thousands to visit all the great shrines and places of pilgrimage.

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