Muddy boots
Grandmère Mimi over at Wounded Bird blog shares a letter from Bishop Jenkins to his diocese as he retires.
Grandmère Mimi over at Wounded Bird blog shares a letter from Bishop Jenkins to his diocese as he retires.
Here is the typical scenario when religion meets journalism: There are traditional believers holding the line against liberal activism. But it is never that simple.
Bishop Gregory Cameron says the proposed Covenant is for Anglican Consultative Council members only while some English evangelicals would love for the Church of England recognize ACNA separately from the Instruments of Unity.
Epiphany has got to be one of my favorite feasts of the Church Year. In fact, it may well be my favorite. I love the way that it pulls together texts and concepts from across the Scriptures and unites them in a single celebration of the joining of heaven and earth, the human and divine, the creation and Creator. It’s a love I learned entirely from the liturgy.
Determined to become a missionary, Bedell gave up her job to train as an Episcopal deaconess in New York City. . . .She threw herself into her work and gradually gained the love and trust of her people. She was adopted into the tribe and given the name of Vicsehia, which means Bird Woman, because she sang, hummed, and whistled constantly while she worked. Harriet devoted herself to the Cheyenne until she contracted tuberculosis and was sent to Colorado to recover.