Day: February 17, 2010

Lent begins

Via the Daily Scan from The Episcopal Church, the following is a sampling of the many articles about Lent and Ash Wednesday in our churches.

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PB: “Haiti has already experienced Good Friday”

Bishop Duracin and I talked about foregoing Lent this year, for Haiti has already experienced Good Friday. Their task is to practice resurrection, find hope, and dream together of a restored world. That is our own task as well. The nations of the world, under Haiti’s direction, can help to rebuild a stronger and freer nation, where all people have hope of a more abundant life. – The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church.

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St. Christopher’s tradition ends

The private Episcopal school in Richmond is changing the names of its elementary literary societies from the Lees and Jacksons to the Chamberlayne Reds and Chamberlayne Grays in honor of school founder Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne. The school’s colors are red and gray.

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Dust to dust

The phrase “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” from The Book of Common Prayer refers to our bodies after death. But it doesn’t specify how

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The romance of war I

It was still dark, but bitterly cold. February in Iraq is a miserable month, with rain and coldness seeping into every nook and cranny, making your bones cold. I put on every layer that seemed practical and necessary before putting on my bulletproof flack jacket and heading over to the convoy briefing.

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A perfect revolution

Repentance itself is nothing else but a kind of circling; to return to Him by repentance, from whom by sin we have turned away. . . which circle consists of two things; which two must needs be two different motions. One is to be done with the whole heart; the other with it broken and rent: so as, one and the same it cannot be.

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