Day: June 20, 2010

Comedy Central’s JC

Comedy Central — the same TV network that managed to both anger and bow to Muslim sensibilities in April by airing and later censoring a “South Park” episode portraying the Prophet Mohammad — is now at the center of a pre-emptive storm over plans to develop a comedy show about Jesus.

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Emergent church meets New Mystics

These new Jesus freaks just don’t care what people think because, as they might say, they are tired of dry religion and seek to experience God without the chains of religious decorum

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Weddings for a fee?

Wedding season is here, and whether it’s called giving a tip or giving a stipend or making a donation, most couples expect to offer a gift to the clergy.

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Sunday Social Hour

Our weekly social media recap includes a Facebook page for people in other provinces who support the Episcopal Church in the Anglican Communion, an observation about effective advertising using social media, and a Father’s Day observation on Twitter from Matthew Paul Turner.

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Mpho Tutu: Why I am proud of my father

My heart remembers how important it was to be important enough to make my dad pause and listen. I remember feeling myself grow 10 inches taller as I saw my father pause for intrigued thought before he could respond to my comments and queries.

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Tending the diaconal garden

We have long held in the Episcopal Church that we share in the priesthood of all believers. Certainly, we emphasize in the Baptismal Covenant proclaiming by example, and seeking and serving Christ in all persons. Perhaps we need to think about the diaconal ministries in which we all might serve, and in which ordained deacons can lead us. Perhaps we need to think about “the diaconate of all believers.”

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The absent God

God is always infinitely near and infinitely far. We are fully aware of Him only if we experience both of these aspects. But sometimes, when our awareness of Him has become shallow, habitual—not warm and not cold—when He has become too familiar to be exciting, too near to be felt in his infinite distance,

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