On display: Dürer’s Adam and Eve, Babylonian mathematics
“Generally, their systems have been seen as precursors to the theoretical flowering of Greek mathematics, out of which our own mathematical approaches have grown.”
“Generally, their systems have been seen as precursors to the theoretical flowering of Greek mathematics, out of which our own mathematical approaches have grown.”
“One is left wondering what, exactly, their game is and why they should adopt these tactics at this stage.”
Those who preach the white-hot hatred of God aren’t ultimately going to let a little schedule conflict get in their way.
Good to see video of genuinely enjoyable music linked to this time of year through George Frideric Handel and his read of the prophets. Not content to be stabled in a church, the good news has spread itself to indisputable houses of cultural worship – malls and big department stores.
Here are some Advent-length resources that have come into view the past few days. Add your own or investigate what’s already there and add your thoughts.
So much for filling the starving with good things, casting down the mighty from their thrones, or sending the rich away empty.
Turner’s writing was characterized by personal modesty, steady focus, and an amazingly approachable prose style marked by clarity and anchoring his subjects in their broader place in English or European history. All this was laced with a riotous sense of humor, sometimes in one-line comments, sometimes in passing on a howler quote from the good and the great that had come his way.
When we watch, we’re watching for signs. Signs are things we watch for because they are the leading edge of a larger reality we await. We may await recovery, rescue, or reconciliation. We may await fulfillment, recognition, or love. We long for so many things. We need signs that they are on the way, or even already present.