The nativity 140 characters at a time
The story of the Nativity began to unfold on Twitter on Wednesday through “The Natwivity.”
The story of the Nativity began to unfold on Twitter on Wednesday through “The Natwivity.”
The Rev. Jane Shaw, Pakistan’s first and only female Anglican priest, has warned that persecution of Christians in the country is prompting talented potential future church leaders to settle abroad.
Starting Monday, January 3, 2011, orders for Episcopal Relief and Development’s posters, brochures, gifts and the coffee (don’t forget the coffee!) will be handled by Episcopal Media Center of Atlanta.
Conservative activists and politicians are outraged about an 11-second clip in a 4-minute video that appeared in a privately funded art exhibit held in the Smithsonian, but they are silent when the Governor of Kentucky extends state tax relief to a $150 million dollar religious theme park
In all the reporting about the Pope’s apparent change of mind regarding the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, few reported that the Pope said in the same book of interviews that the priesthood should be closed to all homosexuals.
Today, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will spend time in Chicago focusing on the faith, medical science and the healing of our world.
I remember the air in the chapel. It was heavy air, full of stained glass light and the comforting residue of the prayers of thousands of students who came before. I breathed in the substance of the holy, communal life that the seminary desired for each student – the life made up of words and bread and wine and water and song and, yes, mistakes.
By the favor of God we all arrived at Japan in perfect health on the 15th of August, 1549. We landed at Cagoxima, the native place of our companions. We were received in the most friendly way by all the people of the city, especially the relations of Paul, the Japanese convert, all of whom had the blessing to receive the light of truth from heaven, and by Paul’s persuasion became Christians. During our stay at Cagoxima the people appeared to be wonderfully delighted with the doctrines of the divine law, so entirely new to their ears.