Episcopalians overrepresented in Congress
According to a Pew Forum survey, Anglicans/Episcopalians are the most overrepresented denomination in the 112th Congress: They hold 7.7% of the seats yet are 1.5%
According to a Pew Forum survey, Anglicans/Episcopalians are the most overrepresented denomination in the 112th Congress: They hold 7.7% of the seats yet are 1.5%
Rep. Peter King, the new GOP chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, plans to hold hearings on what he calls radicalization in the Muslim
On the 10th day, a colleague fretted that she had not gotten her decorations down by New Year’s Eve; when I told her it was only the 10th day of Christmas, she thought I was making a joke.
The Hallelujah Chorus via Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat 5th Grade – Quinhagak, Alaska
Today we give you the posts in The Lead that drew the most comment by month in 2010.
Presidents must cultivate something like an ascetic practice to do those things that are difficult for them. The study authors say the role requires paying attention to a “discomfort zone.” Those areas that are a challenge and that provide little pleasure are often the ones that need the most attention.
We do have other images we might imagine for “an organic communion.” We might, for example, think about the vine and the branches. It speaks to us of growth that is rooted in Christ, but that can lead in a variety of directions. It speaks to us of fruitfulness, and can connect in our reflections to the blood of Christ, which we receive in the Eucharist and in which we are cleansed from sin.
Grant us your light, O Lord,
that the darkness in our hearts
being wholly passed away,
we may come at last to the light
which is Christ.