Jon Stewart on learning from tragedy
Online anonymity is most frequently associated with the cruelty of masked trolls, seduction by gender dissimulators, and financial scams. We forget too easily that online facelessness also facilitates the sacred possibilities of the masked ritual, the voting booth, and the therapist’s couch.
At the same Dallas address, St. Matthews’s Episcopal Cathedral, that once held an Episcopal college for young women of wealth and privilege – among them Lady Bird Johnson – low-income Hispanic women now prepare to take the GED.
The brutalised body on the cross rather than the innocent child in the manger, or Jesus, the radical incarnation of mercy and love, became the dominant icon of Christianity. The sadistic and sacrificial manner of Jesus’s death, rather than his gracious, benevolent and merciful life, became the dominant narrative.
Sometimes constituents in religious organizations express discomfort with planning, because they fear it will lead to closed, over-structured programs. This concern is legitimate, but rather than avoid planning to ensure that we remain open to change, we can build into programs disciplines that help us remain open to the Holy Spirit’s work.
Pray for those in the path of the flooding in Australia.
O Morning Star! how fair and bright,
thou beamest forth in truth and light!
O Sovereign meek and lowly!
Sweet Root of Jesse, David’s Son
my King and Bridegroom, thou hast won
my heart to love thee solely!